Make an impact


we are Ikego, a collaborative circular design project from Berlin.

Design circular with multipurpose parts, build a local community or manufacture and sell sustainable Ikego products.

Read our cobuilding-guide and then just say hello.

We aim to build a global open community working together to reduce product waste by reusing and elevating each other’s work.

What we do


We develop a catalog of open multipurpose parts that anyone can make and use.


We grow and share a collection of models and products that can be made with these parts.


And we invite designers from around the world to join us in creating designs from multipurpose parts.

Why we do it?

To make


So let’s keep things in the

Here is how it works: Let’s start with asking

Most products today are made from individual parts that are

  1. single-use,
  2. hard to make,
  3. and intransparent.

This makes these products hard to repair, hard to remix and hard to recycle. They go in the bin, to be burned and lost…  

16 unique parts, some of which are inseparable, if one breaks, all become garbage

Ikego wants to redesign everything from parts that are

  1. multi-use (and multipurpose),
  2. easy to make,
  3. and open source.

This enables sustainable practices such as repair, remix, recycling and more. 

Multipurpose? Yes. Ikego prefers parts that can be creatively reused in many different solutions, like LEGO® bricks!


to help us grow the world of sustainable products made from multipurpose parts.

Learn more


to manufacture and sell circular products made from multipurpose parts.

Start here


to buy sustainable and fun products made from multipurpose parts. 

Start today