Open Parts / Other / OuOu / Rollco / Soxi / Towli · August 11, 2022

014.1 – Hook small

Basic info

  • Off the shelf hook
  • material: strong
  • measures: ~40mm
  • holes: one 6mm hole


Get this part

  • Buy: Readily available in stores, search for: “hook”
  • Make: No instructions available

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Post license & disclaimer

  • This post is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
  • Disclaimer: This part is just a concept and not fully tested. You should not assume that it works as indicated and I am not saying that it does. I disclaim any responsibility or liability for any damage caused during the construction and use of products based in whole or in part on the concept shown here. All information is provided for your use at your own risk.

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