010.1 – Cable with plug and switch

Basic info

  • Off the shelf cable with plug and switch
  • material: diverse

combined with 084.1, 085.1 & 013.1


  • Size: standard tolerance
  • Material: standard tolerance (But of course this is about electricity and therefore potentially dangerous. Do not attempt to make this yourself unless you really know what you do.)

Get this part

  • Buy: Readily available in stores. Search for “lamp cable with plug and switch”. Our picture shows a version we bought in Germany (search for “Euro-Zuleitung”) with a plug that fits into european sockets.  Usually as 2 different parts: a E14 bulb holder and cable (with or without switch). Try to get a bulb holder that allows to get the cable out again (no click but screw). You can combine this part also with 084.1085.1 and 013.1. Here is a video about the assembly (see also picture above).
  • Make: No instructions available

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