Basic info
- Wire
- Material: bendable/strong
- Measures: ~500mm long, 2mm thick
- Size: the length is within standard tolerance, the thickness should be 2mm as this comes with a certain strength required for the use cases of this part
- Material: standard tolerance but it should be strong enough to support the (most) use cases of this part.
Get this part
- Buy: this is an off the shelf part. You can get wire like this in many different forms in every hardware store – online and offline. Sometimes you can get some wires with nice plastic or rubber covering.
- Make: no instructions available. But here is a tip: get some 2mm wire and then some plastic or silicone tubes to cover it up nicely.
Introduced by
- Lars Zimmermann via “Welt am Draht”
- Original post, original post backup.pdf
- Open: “I bought this part off the shelf. It is most likely prior art but I don’t guarantee this.”
- Disclaimer