Basic info
- off the shelf foam ear pads for headphones
- material: foam
- measures: ⌀ 70mm
- Size: standard tolerance
- Material: standard tolerance
Get this part
- Buy: Readily available in stores, search for: “headphone ear pad covers” or something similar. Here is an Ebay link that shows an off the shelf example.
- Make: No instructions available. We played with some ideas to make this ourselves but opted to get it ready made. If you have ideas how to make this without much effort and then more universal pls. let us know.
Introduced by
- Lars Zimmermann via Trikkka headphones
- Open: This part was bought off the shelf. It is probably prior art. For high volume commercial use though check the legal status though (and let us know please)
- Original post, original post backup.pdf (16)
- Disclaimer