‘Felix’ is a stool designed for kids. The model also doubles as a bucket for storing toys, and children can take it apart and use it as a construction toy.
by Manuela Sauer and Lars Zimmermann.
Parts list
9 parts in the →
remix it. .
Available to buy at
Globally available:
- for DIY or as → professional local make find a local local handyman to make it for you
- from → Max of Materialogic (made on demand, shipping from Germany)
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Design info
On parts & builds
- One of the images show how the parts can be used as construction toy. Here in combination with standard “Brio Constructor” parts.
- The parts list contains part 005.2 and 005.1. Of course you only need one of them but both work.
Meta info
- Please visit the original post by the designer to get more info about Felix. The post shows how to make it and has more pictures of examples how Felix can be used for play. (Initial post backup.pdf)
- All makes shown in this post were created by Mifactori. → Add your make.
- Pictures by Mifactori, CC-BY 4.0
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