Open Parts / Ringbein / Trikka Headphones / Tubes · August 12, 2022

031.1 – Ring ⌀ ~50mm

Basic info

  • ring/tube
  • material: strong or bendable
  • measures: diameters: inner ⌀ min 40 mm outer ⌀ max 54 mm; height: ~10mm, min 9 mm; gate: the small gate at one side is 2 mm x 2 mm.


  • Size: some deviation from the standard tolerance: Inner ⌀ min 40 mm outer ⌀ max 54 mm, height min 9 mm. (The current use cases do not necessarily require this part to be round – as long it has enough space to place something round with a ⌀ of 40 mm in the center. This might change though with the discovery of future use cases.)
  • Material: standard tolerance

Get this part

  • Buy: Available as local make.
  • Make: 3 ways to make this: (1) Find some fitting pipes, cut them and add the little gate with a saw. This requires some craftsmanship though. (2) You can also 3d print this easily. > STL file Download (3) Another way to make this is to get some strong bendable material like PP, cut out a stripe and melt it together or bolt it together to a perfect circle.

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