‘O.Pen’ is a simple but effective open design ballpoint pen with a special feature: Conventional pens are usually designed for one type of refill. O.Pen connects to all available refills!
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Design info
On parts & builds
- “It happened to most of us: Our favourite ball point pen is suddenly out of ink. We search for another ball point pen to swap the refill. Only to discover: the refills are different. The new one does not fit. Well if the O.pen is your favourite pen this won’t happen again.” The pen fits to all available refills:
- ↑ This pen can hold different kinds of refills. The inner tube has an insert thread to lock the refill in place with a set screw.
- The images show different prototypes testing the same idea. It works. ↑
- Need a cap? A short piece of silicone tube will do. (See image with the black caps)
Meta info
- Please visit the original post by the designer to learn more about Penopen and how to make it and to see iterations of it. Initial post backup.pdf
- Pictures by Mifactori, CC-BY-4.0
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