Basic info
- What is it: A tube
- Material: strong | standard tolerance
- Measures: inner ⌀ 152mm (fixed!), height ~60mm, thickness: ~16mm | Everything except the inner diameter is flexible within the standard tolerance
- Holes: 1 hole, center of ring, ⌀ 10mm
Get this part
- Buy: Available as local make | Plus from Max of Materialogic (made on demand, shipping from Germany)
- Make: “This part is very easy to make! Our prototypes were made from standard off the shelf PVC drain pipes (160mm). You can cut these pipes with a metal saw and drill it like wood.”
Introduced by
- Lars Zimmermann of Mifactori via Dupi Box
- Original post, original post backup.pdf
- Open: Shared under TPP 1.0
- Disclaimer