013.1 – E14 bulb holder

Basic info

  • Off the shelf socket for E14 bulbs
  • material: diverse
plastic version & porcelain version
In combination with 085.1 and 084.1
plastic version unscrewed
A combination with 085.1 and 084.1 and 010.1 for a full lamp socket assembly. Assembly video here.


  • Size: standard tolerance
  • Material: standard tolerance (But of course this is about electricity and therefore potentially dangerous. Do not attempt to make this yourself unless you really know what you do.)

Get this part

  • Buy: Readily available in stores. Search for “E14 socket/E14 bulb holder”. E14 is a standard for the threads of bulbs in Europe. It might be different in your country. Watch out: There are different versions available for this on the market. Try to get one where the body is screwed together (as shown in the pictures above) not clicked together. The click-versions are very very hard to dismantle again and therefore make re-use difficult. Try to find a version where you can screw in a threaded rod (such as 085.1) yourself. Above you can see two pictures of assemblies with other parts to make it ready to be used for Trikka Lamps. You can find an assembly video here.
  • Make: No instructions available

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