Basic Info
- What is it: A rod with M6 insert threads on both sides.
- Material: strong | standard tolerance
- Measures: 210mm high (fixed!), ⌀ ~35mm. The insert threads are 15mm+ deep in. There is an extra 25mm space for a bolt after the insert thread. So in total there is room for a 40mm M6 bolt (see this sketch) | Tolerance? The length is fixed at 120mm, but the ~35mm diameter is flexible within the standard tolerance
- Note: this is an additional elephant rod (095.1, 095.2, 095.3, 095.4) with the length of 210mm
Get the part
- Buy: available as local make
- Make: no instructions available
- Introduced by: Lars Zimmermann, via “Midlinging”
- Original Post, Original Post Backup.pdf
- Open: Shared under IPP 1.0
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