Basic info
- A set collar rail
- material: strong
- measures: outer ⌀ ~32mm, thickness ~16mm
- holes: a large center hole ⌀ 16mm, a hole on the set for the Locking bolt ⌀ 4mm. The smaller hole next to the large one is ⌀ 10mm. The spacing between the centers of the two large holes is 30mm (Ikego grid). For more info download the files below.
- Size: standard tolerance
- Material: standard tolerance
Get this part
- Buy: Available as local make.
- Make: The part you see in the picture is made with a laser cutter. We cut 10mm acrylic (8mm also works) and then drilled the small hole from the side using a cordless screwdriver. If you draw this yourself make sure you have measures for the hole for the M4 nut right (3,2x7mm) – the trick is that the nut is held by the shape of the part. A wrench is not necessary. → Download Laser Files. One last hint: Acrylic seems stronger than it is. A component made of acrylic should not be subjected to too much stress. Even thick acrylic breaks quickly. If you get the chance to use other materials for this part (like 3d printing or recycled plastic) great.
Introduced by
- Lars Zimmermann via Lift Lamp
- Open: Shared under TPP 1.0
- Original post (5), original post backup.pdf (5)
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