095.5 – 210mm “elephant” rod with M6 insert threads

Basic Info

  • What is it: A rod with M6 insert threads on both sides. 
  • Material: strong | standard tolerance
  • Measures: 210mm high (fixed!), ⌀ ~35mm. The insert threads are 15mm+ deep in. There is an extra 25mm space for a bolt after the insert thread. So in total there is room for a 40mm M6 bolt (see this sketch) | Tolerance? The length is fixed at 120mm, but the ~35mm diameter is flexible within the standard tolerance 
  • Note: this is an additional elephant rod  (095.1095.2095.3095.4) with the length of 210mm 

Get the part

  • Buy: available as local make
  • Make:
    • Option 1: the other elephant rods (for example 095.4) share a how to created by Parker Haynes
    • Option 2: see below:


Here is an additional way to make this part shared by studio Mifactori

“One way to make this part is to take normal pipes and then insert inserts with threaded inserts into them. There are different ways of making these inserts and also different ways of attaching them to the tube.

STL download direct | from folder

Here is a picture of a 3D printed insert that works in a 50mm tube with 2mm wall thickness. If you happen to find a tube with these dimensions, you can use it (download link below). If the tube is strong (e.g. aluminium), you may not need to glue or screw the insert in. You might get lucky and it will just stay in.

The 3D printed part works with a channel for a normal M6 screw and a “lock” that you can put in there. Of course, this part needs to be printed with a strong infill, because the part is holding the nut in place, and if you’re going to put a lot of pressure on it to ensure a stable connection, the 3D printed walls need to be able to withstand that pressure. If the component is not strong enough, the M6 nut will break the walls and start to rotate inside the component.

Download STL files here | backup link



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